Thursday, 19 December 2013

Augmented Reality Companies – What Do They Offer?

I have been through this pensiveness of mine that what augmented reality companies have to offer the world? Silly question, but I believed that’s worth discussing, isn’t it?

Augmented reality companies have nothing to offer but applications and tools so that people in world experience the improved version of their physical world. Offering AR solution is surely the chief objective of any AR company to make sure that the world is catered for their coveted need associated with marketing brands and products to using AR apps.

No doubt, these companies spare no pains in offering the world quality AR apps. They engage team of highly qualified and experienced AR experts to speed up the process of developing augmented reality apps which the world recognize as innovative and futuristic. Though the name of AR is not very much popular around the world, but their contribution to develop numerous AR apps has brought their name to a widespread notability.It can’t be gainsaid that they brought the world in augmentation.

An AR Firm offers us the World in Augmented Preview

This may sound incredulous that how come a technology being so innovative to change the view of world altogether! Well, not anymore now!

You see, augmented reality firms, such as the one like Adstuck in India, have spared no pains in providing a wide range of super fantastic and highly standard AR apps, which are being marketed and utilized by ad agencies all around the world.       

Can you imagine the extent of valuable assistance that they had contributed by their effort of developing high standard AR apps? Indeed, a lot and very inexplicable as well.

Today augmentation of real world scene has been brought into smartphones, and it is presumed that the technology will be brought into hands of people as well – they would just call someone using hands – no phone required at all.

Technologies of today’s are much more improved version of those erstwhile now. Each day brings to us comparatively more improved, highly-innovative and standard technology, and it’s going on. Days to come would bring forth some unimaginable tech-stuffs far beyond the reach of imagination of common men. And, they would be brought into materialization by none but the AR companies.

Augmented Reality firms are rendering their invaluable support to the world by developing software applications to the need of companies like industries and ad agencies. Alive App, which was developed by Adstuck, is being used by giant newspaper, the Times of India. The use of the app has not only increased readership circulation of the newspaper, but it has added new dimension to the approach by which readers used to read and view its images. Today, the app helps readers view image in live multimedia format on the screen of their mobile phones.

At last, augmented reality companies have successfully made their presence felt on global stage. Their existence is proof of undeniable and remarkable innovativeness. They have extended truly appreciative support to the world by offering them numerous AR apps for their commercial and personal needs.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Augmented Reality Company – Spearheading AR Worldwide

The article discusses about augmented reality company and other key things associated.

Gone are those days when the concept of technology was not so pervasive as we witness today. Previously, the concept of the technology was perhaps not bred into the mind of people until felt necessity of it. As the time went by, humankind witnessed many things developed and presented to mankind by technology. Among various innovative technologies that we have today – augmented reality is one of them. Thanks to AR Company that has made the term, AR, widespread globally.

There is no dearth of augmented reality companies worldwide today, and this is perhaps one of the strongest reasons behind increasing popularity of AR globally. For instance, if we study the term in Indian context, we have the resurgence of some of the most distinguished firms, including Adstuck Consulting, spearheading AR by providing a wide range of innovative AR apps for the use of people and companies. Few years back, Adstuck developed a very promising and pioneering application by the name of Alive App – it was a wonder in the field of AR in the country.

Alive came into instant prominence followed by its whooping downloads and augmentation views on the same day of its launch. The success of the application has not spearhead the concept of augmented reality in the country but also endorsed reputation of the firm distinctively.

This is just tip of iceberg – the augmented reality firm can be exampled as a prominent link to popularizing AR remarkably.

The role of augmented reality company in today’s scenario –

Introducing AR apps – The single most important role of an augmented reality firms in India is to introduce as much sophisticated and innovative AR apps as possible to render the world a view of augmented visualization to the core. Thankfully, some of the best AR concerns are playing their role to the best of their ability.

Helping the world view their surrounding semantically –I can bet on it that semantic representation of physical-world surrounding was quite an unimagined concept and remained being so until the collective effort by some of the world renowned Augmented Reality companies came into effect and they produced distinctive augmented reality apps to benefit the areas such as education, tourism, art, medical and others. Today, even though the term, AR, is not widespread globally, the fact of AR technology representing real world view semantically is what makes it a totally STANDOUT mechanism to worth devising with.

Increasing shopping growth – Shopping growth using augmented reality technology has been well facilitated. For instance, the existing AR virtual trial room apps have performed their distinctiveness to this context very much. Today, both the shoppers and the retailers experience best of shopping using the technology. Customer retention has never been so easy to maintain before by the use of AR technology.

Augmented Reality Company is conclusively rendering their contribution of providing innovative AR products to the world. It has endorsed the AR terminology worldwide. Days to come would witness people wearing AR devices to view augmented visual of their physical world surrounding.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Is Augmented Reality Technology Set to be a Big Trend?

Augmented reality technology explains the necessity to be a big trend. This post explains this as follows:
Followed by the phone consumption skyrocketing worldwide, the technology firms approach with concentrated effort of exploring alternatives to bring forth revenue by leveraging the potential of augmented reality technology.

The experience of using a cellphone or any hand-held device is the outcome of virtuosity of the technology by which it has brought forth many innovative devices for the use of mankind. Perceived by its innovativeness, we conclusively vindicate that if the technology advances further, it would improve the interactivity between real and virtual world.

To materialize this, many Augmented Reality companies involve creating smart AR applications, including Adstuck's Alive App that is one of the finest and high-profile illustration of how an AR based system can transcend a screen-visual using a projection technique.

Augmented reality is defined as a technique that transcends visual of real world in its virtual depiction. The visual is enhanced using glasses or headgear and mobile devices – the marvelous efficiency of the technologypaving the path for the development of mobile applications and to ensure availability of on-the-go Internet access.

AR devices are literally another organs for human to see through the world. One can see and get enlightened about things in real world. The techniques pulls up appropriate information for the users.

Research and development is still at nascent stage to make augmented reality relevant for the business space and the consumers. However, AR firms including Adstuck are leaving no stone unturned to materialize this. Adstuck, an India-based AR firm, has, for years, been developing myriad image-recognition applications for mobile devices to spearhead the marketing campaigns of business world.

Some AR firms have also lent concentrated focus on developing head-mounted devices equipped with 3D projection mapping technique to enable users view the projected image of real world in 3D visual. Companies including Adstuck are exploring other potentialities to satiate AR related demands from countless users worldwide.

Augmented Reality Companies around the world consider other possible alternatives that could be maximised to monetise the market in future. For example, Adstuck has been doing research and development for the purpose of developing an AR platform accompanying PC tablets, smartphones and digital eye wear.

The firm believes that the ulterior motive for developing AR platform is to expand cloud computing to enable AR devices work properly. This is vital from the perspective that the demand for could-based content libraries and quick access to wireless networks will elevate in future. This symbolic proactive development of AR based could computing will help the world viewing real world in its utter digital manifestation.

Augmented reality technology symbolises to be a big trend in future. Augmented reality firms arduously involve into developing applications to bring forth dream of millions to have super fantastic visual interaction of real world with its virtual depiction. We descry the advent of the innovation very soon.

Monday, 11 November 2013

The Emerging Potency of Augmented Reality Companies –Developing AR Software To Benefit Business World

Augmented reality companies were introduced to provide necessary solution to companies requiring AR applications to run their business, or personalizing the experience of common users with their cell phones.  It is really a well-known fact that augmented reality has been brought a subject to the attention of business companies to assist them spearhead the growth lucratively just by leveraging this technology.

These companies developing applications from this technology incorporates their workforce consisting of talented and experienced augmented reality experts to the initialization of developing innovative and intelligent AR applications for the use of end users such as business companies.What the basic fact that we churn out of the AR technique is its undeniable significance of transmuting physical real world environment to its virtual equivalence.

What is the meaningful relation with AR companies with business world?
Technically speaking, AR is one of the most important and potent solutions to demystify the hassles experienced by many business companies with regards to augmenting customer-engagements. To exemplify this, virtual trial room, which is based on augmented reality technology, is magnificently dedicated to simplify shopping experience of buyers. And, which in another way, can boost up the sales growth of a garment retailer.
The point to be understood is - the retailers have to adopt this innovative technique to provide potential buyers an experience of trying on clothes by themselves using their computer’s webcam. This scintillating solution as brought forth by the AR technique provides great solution to shoppers in terms of helping them avoid shopping at physical store thus saving time and money along with experiencing home like comfort.

From the perspective of AR companies benefiting business companies distinctively, we, as a matter of fact, churn out the fact of their importance. For example, Adstuck, one of the most prominent AR companies in India, has been spearheading the concept of AR remarkably. Its own developed AR app, Alive, has been brought into such a prominence, that it slingshot the name of the company nationwide.
Today the Indian concept about AR is no longer an anonymous terminology as it is being spearhead by some of the most distinguished AR players. In addition, we witness the growth of AR apps from many developer companies which seem to be giving a reliable solution to the business companies. The technology has been predicted as one of the most important concepts by many.

Augmented reality companies bring forward to a wide range of innovative and distinctive AR software technologies to gift business companies a reliable solution to their business. From virtual trial room application to others dedicated to providing business solution, the AR companies leave no stone unturned to make this concept reachable to as many hands as possible. In addition, their reach is not limited to the business companies, but rather smartphones to provide phone consumers delight of viewing physical world environment by the use of their AR device.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Augmented Reality - Converting Vision Through the Virtual Excellence

Though it i s very difficult to express the concept of technology, yet the accepted wisdom usually drags it into the category of anything designed and developed to elevate the level of comfort of human beings. Talking about augmented reality technology, though we do not find it to be in relation with the aforesaid explanation, but this is certainly a unique tech believed to be beyond the concept of comfort and easiness. This, as a matter of fact, is a technology construed to be the future of tech whereby various users around the world make the most of it to the advantage of their own projects or business. Say for instance, there are some online retailer firms which include AR tech to give assistance to their potential customers as to viewing certain objects in virtual depiction thereby enabling them purchase the object only when satisfied through the virtual way.

It would be a hasty conclusion of the statement that augmented reality is going to have a future worth exploring to find out the latent potentiality of opportunities, but there is no gainsaying in the fact that it would be an evil necessity for most business enterprises in the world considering the volume of features and benefits that it would inherit in the course of development. We understand that every technology is replaced by the new one, thus pushing the old one into the state of complete obsolete. Since the concept of AR tech is very new and it is grabbing attention of world because of its inheriting quality, it would still be construed as a fad until encountered with something relatively more advanced techs in due course of time.

Companies in India exist no longer proximate with Adstuck when it comes to making out a comparative analysis of this firm with others available in the marketplace. Having said that, Adstuck comes as the one and only concern in India with strong and perhaps an impregnable dominance over the market of augmented reality application with some related awesome apps like AReal, MeetAll, Hear and Spark to its credit. In addition to being one and only champion of virtual AR technology in physical market in India, Adstuck also explores other opportunities in the related field by maximizing resource of its team consisting the band of intelligent employees fixated to achieve the dream of company to expand the circle of its business worldwide.

All whatsoever explained in the aforesaid line about Adstuck is merely quotation of reality about the company's existence in the market of AR technology; it's not a deliberate effort to promote the concern through the article.

Meanwhile, some movies including Minority Report and Iron Man were found to have shown great fancy for augmented reality technique, which comes as a natural implication as to the tech will be one of the best defining criteria to augment digital experience of watching scenes from the real world surroundings in movies aside from getting a joy of spotting nearby landmarks from certain location using Augmented Reality camera on smart phones. 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Augmented Reality – An Excellent Digital Conversion Technique

Augmented reality is perhaps the only technique of its kind that can augment reality of physical surrounding to its virtual equivalent. But it is not the technology’s ability alone to digitally convert physical reality, but also giving you information superimposed over the digitally converted imagery.
augmented reality technology

As a matter of fact, when you use your mobile phone’s camera to capture imagery of a building or anything you want info from, the AR app installed in your phone processes the captured imagery, thus giving you digital output of the imagery with related information superimposed. No doubt, the processed imagery looks different from its derivative source.

Now that it has been made clear that augmented reality converts non-virtual thing into its virtual equivalent, let us study about the apps which make this digital conversion possible.

There is no dearth of augmented reality applications. While most apps have yet to be brought into the mainstream, or better say they are in their nascence state, few of the apps including Alive are catching up fast among app enthusiasts in India.Developed by leading augmented reality company, Adstuck, Alive app is quite a very innovative application dedicated to awesome digital conversion of physical reality like contents over newspaper. This time the application is leveraged by India’s print media giant, the Times of India.

If your mobile phone has Alive installed, you can view stationary imagery on the newspaper in its virtual reality just by pointing your phone’s camera at it for seconds. Very soon you have live scene of the imagery on your phone’s screen. That’s the magic of the software application. Moreover, it’s freeware as well.

Just like Alive, there are a lot of augmented reality applications which one can find at website of different related companies in the world. Take Adstuck for an instance, you visit at its website and experience availability of many related apps with their information about features and ways how to download.

The main troubling issue with augmented reality technology today is the less than required popularity. Means, it is still to extend its reach to the mass community of people on global front to become a recognized technology. However, it doesn’t mean to say that AR technology has no future because it is not very popular. Experts believe that it is going to be the technology of future in next coming days when it would be possible to capture imagery using hand instead of phones. Meanwhile, many sci-fi movies including Minority Report, Iron Man and Total Recall have already maximized the use of the technology.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Augmented Reality - Digital Manifestation Of Real World Environment

In the world of digital technology where life of human beings is increasingly becoming cozy with comfort of an unprecedented experience, the existence of augmented reality lends substance of momentous value because of the virtue that the technology inherits.

From giving you an experience of digital manifestation of real world environment using 3D immersion technology to the augmentation of physical surroundings with intelligence of digital science, the augmented reality is accredited to be the technology of great competence provided that it is used well in the proper field of e-commerce or as a source for personal gratification.

We have in the world of digital technology the mounting demand of augmented reality experts so that the increasing requirements of the tool in the field of e-commerce can be catered satisfactorily in lieu of giving priority to the technologies no longer used. What augmented reality can do exactly depends on the way its efficiency of digital translation of physical surrounding is used by experts and that is also in a proper way of application.

The augmented reality experts come from the background of highly educated, intelligent, and the technician of experienced individuals, who, thus have a great depth of understanding about how to develop applications in total conformity with the prerequisite of the latest smart phones and mobile devices.

In addition, these experts are valued for their intelligence and expertise in the places like online shopping platforms where the owner of websites utilize service of the experts by using Augmented Reality applications developed by them. This way, the online shopping website owners give their customers a way of viewing their reflection in virtual scene as a fine method of assisting them 'try on' certain product before they make an informed choice for a purchase.

Even though the concept of augmented reality has not gone into the pervasive acceptance worldwide, the fact of the matter what it says that it is gradually moving an inch closer to global popularity by being used by some of the renowned global companies while others are prioritizing the technology for the integration into the strategy of their business.

Soon we will have in our field of vision the perception of 3D immersed visualization because of Augmented Reality technology, but that will never eliminate the possibility of our physical presence from the real-world environment.

Adstuck in no way of exaggeration, is the leading augmented reality development company in India with many popular AR apps such as Alive, Areal, MeetAll, Hear and Spark to its credit.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Augmented Reality - Intuitive Technology

Though the birth of several technologies has lent the gravity of convenience in the way we live our life, not all of them evoked an exact sense of enthusiasm and keenness as AR or augmented reality. Well acknowledged as the tool behind creating a better, more perfect and enlightening virtual world, the Augmented Reality technology is emerging as the technology of future where people will experience unique digital expression of physical world.

In contrast to the scenes obtained from real world environment, the augmented ones using computer-generated information are comparatively enlightening and very conducive to sensory perception as well. You walk down a street, hold on your Smartphone to a building, capture the picture and see the phone digitally converting the image with extra information superimposed on it, thus providing you exact detail about the real world surrounding like nearby located hotels, restaurants etc. in virtual form.

Aside from digitally modifying the physical world environment, the augmented reality technology has redefined the shopping experience of online shoppers. The avid customers believing in "first try, then purchase" shopping maxim have now been given "virtual mirror" AR technology enabling them "try on" a product before making a decision to purchase.

Though the concept of augmented reality is still rudimentary because not everyone is familiar with it, it would be quite hasty to predict long-term delay in the expansion of the technology in people's knowledge. The pace with which the business world adopts the technology as a market strategy to brand products as well as to experience the digital depiction of the real world environment, the days are not far when it will be a household name.