Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Augmented Reality in India is on the Rise

augmented reality development in India
Augmented reality development in India has really been on the rise over the last few years and there is one company that is at the top of the game. Adstuck is located in India and has been working on augmented reality applications for some time now. The company aims to engage people with media and others through a batch of enhanced communication applications that are compatible with all media fronts. 

The Areal browser brings Creative Sparks, or user interactions, for products that you want the public to see in a more realistic light.
Adstuck is the leader of augmented reality in India and has more than just the Areal app to show for it. With products like MeetAll and Hear, the company is aiming to bring interactions to people all the time. MeetAll connects people, devices and the sensors between them and is completely customizable bringing communication and controllability of software, devices and screens within a certain area.

Augmented reality software or app is perfect for businesses that want to engage users that are viewing ads from the company and is looking to bring a creative path to conversations helping people tell stories that get embraced by others. If you want more information you can sign up via email –