Friday, 14 June 2013

Adstuck revolutionised world's greatest Newspaper

The print media is in a ‘catch twenty two’ situation. With readers converting to digital media and the advertisements on prints overtaking reading space, the limits of this treasured medium has been realized.  More of the print publications have converted to online content now in the form of E paper or E-magazines. With digital media gradually getting more advertisers attention, the pie’s share of sponsors is also getting smaller and lesser. This is causing threats on the entire print media to extinction, editors and publishers are struggling to keep this beloved media alive.

Increasing demands in advertising and advertising spaces is getting more expensive with each year.  Advertisers are getting desperate now to find even half of the value worth in advertising space and time, with the same amount, what they used to pay some years ago. Companies are under constant pressure. With steep competition and soaring cost hikes, attempt to solve this losing equation is hard. But, today’s business owners are looking for new ways to find their customers and in their preferred medium. The answer to this pickle is innovation, and technology is somewhere the solution seems to be lying.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a very recent concept, where it attempts to bridge existing media like print with virtual reality. Taking the help of computer generated images; AR can map your world with information from the internet.

The good thing about AR is its flexibility. It can be used in existing print spaces like newspaper, posters, magazine, Hoardings, signposts, etc. AR can also be integrated in boardroom projectors letting you interact with the contents of any presentation physically. Even at home, your humble webcam and PC can get you going with this technology.

Augmented Reality attempts to bridge between the existing information in physical world with the online virtual world. New cloud services and other technologies also connecting with it, the possibilities are indefinable.

In India the technology has been used by the print media with a huge success now. Application such like Alive, which lets you use your mobile phone as an AR device are already available. Developed in association with Adstuck consulting, this is the first augmented reality application in India.

Another app was Areal  developed by Adstuck,  with an instant hit and has been downloaded multiple times on its first day itself and a staggering amount of AR content ware viewed before the day ended. The sheer appeal of this technology and the convenience of carrying it on your mobile devices or tablets; is something the developers are confident about. Introduced with such a good response, major brands and companies followed into it right away.

Today Areal in association has produced AR contents for  innovative companies like  Cloud Nine, KUM Bangalore and Mauruti Suzuki to name a few.     



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